Specialized Training Scenarios
IED Lane
Improvised Explosive Device Training lanes incorporate mock buildings that reflect real world scenarios for identifying and addressing potential explosive threats.
Training structures created to support established training guidelines as laid out in government field manual FM25-8. These buildings support individual and collective tasks to support deployment readiness for in theater operations.
Forward Operating Base
Training structures that represent an established forward operating location that may incorporate a command and control center, living quarters, dining facilities, guard towers, observation towers, vehicle and pedestrian gates (ECP), perimeter walls , and bunkers.
After Action Review Classroom
A structure created to conduct a debriefing of training exercises that can support the use of digitally captured training video. Options include climate control, internet capability, image projectors, and data processing.
Blast Bunker
Blast Resistant Buildings are used by all branches of the US military, first responder training, and the petrochemical industry as well as other industries that have blast resistant sheltering requirements. CMOUTS uses steel reinforced walls, explosion resistant windows and doors, and fireproof paneling, to our containers that allows access to a safety enhanced sheltering area in potentially volatile concussion environments.